SCI Foundation is now Unlimit Health. Learn more about what the change means for our ongoing efforts to eliminate neglected tropical diseases

How we work

We work across multiple sectors in numerous countries to deliver effective and robust health programmes that have a lasting impact. This includes support for partner governments to deliver tens of millions of deworming treatments every year, and to expand treatment programmes.

In our 20-year history we have supported the delivery of over 1 billion treatments for parasitic diseases.

Vision and mission

Child in Madagascar receives treatment as part of a mass drug administration campaign
Unlimit Health supports ministries of health to deliver treatment for parasitic diseases. Deworming medicines are distributed in areas like Brickaville, East coast of Madagascar. Here, mebendazole is being distributed to pupils. Credit: End Fund /Viviane Rakotoarivony

Our vision is resilient systems that sustain good health, so everyone everywhere can reach their full potential.

Our mission is to share evidence and expertise to end preventable parasitic infections in affected communities.

We achieve this by working across multiple sectors in numerous countries to deliver effective and robust health programmes that have a lasting impact. Our work includes;

Find out more in our FAQ

Our strategy

Image showing the front cover of 'Ending parasitic disease, together', the strategy
Unlimit Health’s Strategy 2023-2028
Stratégie 2023-2028


Our strategy is aligned with the WHO NTD Roadmap  2021-2030 pillars of:

1. Accelerate programmatic action

2. Intensify cross-cutting approaches

3. Change operating models and culture to facilitate country ownership.

Each pillar has been tailored into a goal specific to our own vision and mission. As such, the strategy is also linked with several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Each strategic goal relates to one or more of the WHO health system building blocks, to ensure that our actions contribute to the achievement of our vision of resilient health systems.

Read the strategy

Lire la stratégie en français


Our goals

Intensify cross cutting approaches to elimination and health systems strengthening



Accelerate programmatic action towards elimination of parasitic infections and health equity



Promote and enable country ownership and leadership of programmes for elimination of parasitic infections


Enablers to reaching our goals

To fulfil our mission, we work in partnership to develop country-owned solutions that eliminate parasitic infections, for good. Over the strategic period, this will involve delivering services under three key areas: 

Building collaborative partnerships


Cross-sectoral health systems strengthening


Evidence-based disease support