SCI Foundation is now Unlimit Health. Learn more about what the change means for our ongoing efforts to eliminate neglected tropical diseases

Latest news

Winning posters displayed in Parliament to raise awareness of neglected tropical diseases

Amaal Tayub, 8, Arjun Arun, 11, and Adele Williams, 16, are this year’s winners of the Send a Wish poster competition, co-organised by Unlimit Health and The Leprosy Mission, to mark World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day.

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UK Coalition for Neglected Tropical Diseases to raise awareness of neglected tropical diseases in the UK Parliament

Ahead of World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day, Unlimit Health as a member of the UK Coalition against Neglected Tropical Diseases will host an event in the UK Parliament.

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Art helps children in Zanzibar learn about neglected tropical diseases

To mark World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Day, students from the Department of Nursing in Zanzibar led awareness sessions about NTDs using art at two primary schools in Zanzibar.

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“If it doesn’t work, why do we blame the community?”

With Unlimit Health’s commitment to supporting country ownership, Communications Advisor, Anna Georgeson, discusses with Professor Gyapong the importance of listening to communities.

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Tanzanian global health advocate calls on the importance of One Health

Hamisi Msagama, a Tanzanian One Health advocate spearheading efforts to tackle zoonotic diseases in his home country, spoke to Unlimit Health ahead of World Zoonoses Day on 6 July.

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Evaluating the reach and performance of treatment campaigns in Mauritania

We recently had the opportunity to assist in evaluating the success of a Mass Drug Administration (MDA) campaign conducted by the Mauritanian Ministry of Health.

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Interactive Storymaps

The critical role of data for parasitic disease elimination

Data is the foundation upon which successful elimination strategies are built. However, significant data gaps persist across sub-Saharan Africa.

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The link between deworming and universal health coverage

Mass deworming campaigns are one way to guarantee the right of all people to live a healthy life. This is entrenched in the principle of universal health coverage (UHC). In this interactive story, we highlight how donations to our deworming work not only contribute towards the WHO goal of eliminating parasitic diseases by 2030, but are also critical for realising UHC.

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Refining deworming treatment campaigns: an interactive exploration

One of the biggest challenges in tackling parasitic worm infections is that they affect the most marginalised and hard to reach people. How do we, therefore, make sure that treatment reaches the those most in need?

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