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Art helps children in Zanzibar learn about neglected tropical diseases

23 January 2025

To mark World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Day, students* from the Department of Nursing in Zanzibar (SHMS-SUZA) with support from IDARA KINGA, the Ministry of Health and Unlimit Health, led awareness sessions about NTDs using art at two primary schools in Zanzibar.  

The aim of the activity was to raise awareness of NTDs among school-aged children while engaging with them creatively through art. 

During the sessions, the nursing students introduced the children to these diseases and encouraged them to express their understanding through drawings. 

The activity was met with great enthusiasm with one child writing on their artwork: “KILA IJUMAA MUJE TENA” [Please come again every Friday].  

The teachers also praised the approach emphasising its value in fostering understanding among young learners. 

The nursing team learned that art is a powerful tool for communication and education helping children to understand complex topics.  

Mudhatir Juma with the children's displaying their drawings after the session
Mudhatir Juma with the children’s displaying their drawings after the session

Mudhatir Juma one of the nursing students who led the activity said: 

 “The activity was a success; we realised that children understood better through visual means.” 

Juma added: “This activity is a great way to celebrate World NTD day because it shows the importance of involving schools in tackling health issues with the community.” 


*Mudathir Abdulla Juma,  Abdulrazak Hashim Othman, Moza Said Ali, Hidaya Shaib Mohd, Milfat Bakar Issa, Nasra Khamis Ali, Yusriya Suleiman Balis, Rahma Machano, Suleiman Omar Haji, Salhiya Iddi Shaabani, Shufaa Juma Rajab, Chumu Khamis Kombo, khairat Ussi Kombo, Kombo, Shaabani Faki Omar