SCI Foundation is now Unlimit Health. Learn more about what the change means for our ongoing efforts to eliminate neglected tropical diseases

Safeguarding policy

Our commitment

Unlimit Health (formerly known as SCI Foundation) is committed to the seven key principles that should underpin all safeguarding functions, actions and decisions, as set out by the UK Care Act 2014 and keeping children safe, which applies to both children and adult safeguarding.

  1. Do No Harm – reduce the potential for the organisation’s interventions to cause harm
  2. Empowerment – support for individuals to make their own decisions
  3. Protection – supporting those in need as a result of abuse or neglect
  4. Prevention – taking action before harm occurs or risk escalates
  5. Proportionality – the least intrusive or restrictive intervention appropriate to the risks presented
  6. Partnership – working across services and communities to prevent, detect and report neglect and abuse
  7. Accountability – enabling service user and leaders to challenge agencies for their responses to those at risk of harm

Read the full policy here.

Reporting safeguarding concerns

You can email us directly at

You can contact SeeHearSpeakUp: (Call-backs can be requested from the website)

UK 0800 056 2539 (toll free)

USA 1 855 290 6405 (toll free)

Global +44 1224 379 303 (charged at local call rate)


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